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d y s l e x i c  A C A D E M I C

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d y s l e x i c  A C A D E M I C  is a digital space where neurodivergent academics respond to the resounding silence in the academy surrounding our neurodivergence including but not limited to dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, autism spectrum disorder, Irlen Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, synaesthesia, and aphantasia, as well as our co-occurring mental health differences like to obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, and depression. 


Through a series of contributions, neurodivergent academics reflect on how we generate drive, survive and thrive in the academy by using strategies of resistance and empowerment that are characteristically creative because of our neurodivergent profiles. 


d y s l e x i c  A C A D E M I C  is edited by Dr. Kate West, neurodivergent (autistic and dyslexic) scholar of visual culture and Senior Lecturer at Oxford Brookes University. She researches the visual culture of crime from the nineteenth century to the digital age.

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